Moulded Memories

Installation at Medulla Art Gallery, Woodbrook, Trinidad and Tobago, 2014. Photo: Joshua Lue Chee Kong

The title of the collection is called Moulded Memories. This title was created from my fascination with dreams and my curiosity of how some dreams are remembered and some forgotten. I have come to the realization that most of my work is formed from my dreams, where all my ideas, my memories, my experiences all merge together into one stream. It is from that stream that my pieces are made intuitively. I engulf myself in my creations in a meditative state where I lose consciousness of my surroundings. It is because of this, that I rarely have any control on what is made with my hands; mostly from a collage of ideas I have in my head and the urge for the idea to become a reality. I would like to think this intuitive process is my brain’s way of remembering these lost dreams. This is why I believe that everything in this collection embodies a piece of my spirit; it is that spirit that brings raw emotions to these objects. 

The Great Divide between Spirit and Mankind at Medulla Art Gallery, Woodbrook, Trinidad and Tobago, 2014. Photo: Joshua Lue Chee Kong

Seven Sins Series at Medulla Art Gallery, Woodbrook, Trinidad and Tobago, 2014. Photo: Joshua Lue Chee Kong

Greed and Pride at Medulla Art Gallery, Woodbrook, Trinidad and Tobago, 2014. Photo: Joshua Lue Chee Kong

The Shaman at Medulla Art Gallery, Woodbrook, Trinidad and Tobago, 2014. Photo: Joshua Lue Chee Kong

Nirvania at Medulla Art Gallery, Woodbrook, Trinidad and Tobago, 2014. Photo: Joshua Lue Chee Kong

Installation view at Medulla Art Gallery, Woodbrook, Trinidad and Tobago, 2014. Photo: Joshua Lue Chee Kong

The Eastern Sun at Medulla Art Gallery, Woodbrook, Trinidad and Tobago, 2014. Photo: Joshua Lue Chee Kong

The Western Sun at Medulla Art Gallery, Woodbrook, Trinidad and Tobago, 2014. Photo: Joshua Lue Chee Kong

Insomia at Medulla Art Gallery, Woodbrook, Trinidad and Tobago, 2014. Photo: Joshua Lue Chee Kong